Today my friend, we want to tell you a story that has the power to warm everyone’s hearts, just like the warmth of a sweet flame of love. We are about to plunge into the sweet atmosphere of Valentine’s Day, a special day dedicated to love and connection between people.
St Valentine’s Day has ancient origins, going back as far as 496 AD. Legend has it that at the time, there was a bishop named Valentine who distinguished himself for his selfless spirit and love of togetherness. At a time when marriages were forbidden for young soldiers, Valentine defied the ban and secretly celebrated the marriage between a young woman and a Roman legionnaire. Unfortunately, the woman was seriously ill and the story goes that the two lovers died in each other’s arms as soon as they consecrated their love, and the brave Valentine, my dear friend, was punished for this noble deed.
Gift ideas for Valentine’s Day
Finding the right gift for your loved one takes time, perseverance and patience, and you cannot afford to make mistakes when it comes to Lovers’ Day. You don’t want to fight!
Whether it’s a thought for your sweetheart, or to show your love for your mum or dad, or perhaps a gift for the very first love of your life (a goal that is certainly full of so many expectations… and anxieties!), we are absolutely certain that at Nano Bleu you will find the right gift for you.
What do women like for Valentine’s Day? What to give to a woman who already has everything? What if that woman is actually your mother?
The Trudi soft toy is a timeless idea and, for us at Nano Bleu, always a very valid thought.
But if you’re looking for something you’ve never seen before (and maybe you’re a fan of coloured bricks), we recommend a flower bouquet made out of Lego. That’s right, sunflowers, tulips, orchids… we’re sure that your girlfriend will be pleasantly surprised and you can also leverage the longevity of this type of gift: compared to normal bouquets, these will last forever, just like the unique and stable bond with your girlfriend or mother!
We certainly can’t forget about men! What to give your boyfriend or husband that is not obvious and already seen?
An original idea for Valentine’s Day could be a Jellycat soft toy: unlike the ‘usual’ teddy bears, Jellycats are small in size and have very weird and funny shapes, such as unusual animals like the axolot and the mosquito or fantasy animals like the dragon, expressive fruit and food (eggs, avocado, sandwiches…) or even the sun or the mug. Surely your boyfriend will have a little fixation on some object or character that you can give him in the form of a puppet.
What to give as a present for the first Valentine’s Day?
Whether you’re a teenager in the throes of your first heartbeats or a cynical adult unaccustomed to flattery, you may – sooner or later – find yourself in the position of asking the fateful question: ‘And now, what should I give him/her? Being in love is the best feeling in the world and giving something to your loved one, seeing them happy, will only produce more dopamine, making you euphoric.
The very young need blatant and unmistakable demonstrations of affection and at Nano Bleu you will find a very wide range of giant soft toys: you will see that they will appreciate!
Plush hearts as a romantic gift are also a timeless classic, ideal if it is the first Valentine’s Day you are celebrating together, whereas if the story is more long-standing, they risk being a little banal (but in this case we have already given you a myriad of ideas in the previous paragraphs!).
If you are more mature, go for some symbolic and nice ideas (remember the Lego bouquet?), perhaps representing a passion you have in common or an activity you can do together. Think, for example, of building blocks, puzzles, board games, but also characters from your favourite films and TV series – does Star Wars ring a bell?